Elysia Latherow
  • Tarpon Springs, FL

Elysia Latherow of Tarpon Springs, FL has been accepted to Mary Baldwin College!

2016 May 3

Elysia Latherow, a resident of Tarpon Springs, FL, has been accepted to attend Mary Baldwin College for the Fall 2016 semester.

Mary Baldwin College, founded in 1842, is a diverse institution that transforms lives through personalized education and innovatively integrates liberal arts, experiential learning, civic engagement, and global citizenship. At the undergraduate level, the College for Women serves about 750 students on the college's historic main campus in downtown Staunton, Virginia, and the Adult Degree program serves both men and women on campus and at regional centers throughout Virginia. A top-ranked master's level university, MBC also offers co-educational graduate programs in education, health sciences, and Shakespeare and Performance.
